149. Matsuda, Y.; Nishida-Umehara, C.; Tarui, H.; Kuroiwa, A.; Yamada, K.; Isobe, T.; Ando, J.; Fujiwara, A.; Hirao, Y.; Nishimura, O.; et al. 166. Ge, C.; Ye, J.; Weber, C.; Sun, W.; Zhang, H.; Zhou, Y.; Cai, C.; Qian, G.; Capel, B. The Histone Demethylase KDM6B Regulates Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in a Turtle Species. 100. Mu, Y.; Zhao, B.; Tang, W.-Q.; Sun, B.-J.; Zeng, Z.-G.; Valenzuela, N.; Du, W.-G. 118. Janes, D.E.; Organ, C.L.; Stiglec, R.; O’Meally, D.; Sarre, S.D.; Georges, A.; Graves, J.A.M.; Valenzuela, N.; Literman, R.A.; Rutherford, K.; et al. 101. Kawagoshi, T.; Uno, Y.; Matsubara, K.; Matsuda, Y.; Nishida, C. The ZW Micro-Sex Chromosomes of the Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis, Trionychidae, Testudines) Have the same Origin as Chicken Chromosome 15. Cytogenet. 117. Kawagoshi, T.; Uno, Y.; Nishida, C.; Matsuda, Y. The Staurotypus Turtles and Aves Share the same Origin of Sex Chromosomes however Evolved Various kinds of Heterogametic Sex Determination. 151. Eozenou, C.; Gonen, N.; Touzon, M.S.; Jorgensen, A.; Yatsenko, S.A.; Fusee, L.; Kamel, A.K.; Gellen, B.; Guercio, G.; Singh, P.; et al.
106. Mrosovsky, N.; Fretey, J.; Lescure, J.; Pieau, C.; Rimblot, F. Sexual Differentiation as a Function of the Incubation Temperature of Eggs in the Sea-Turtle Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761). Amphib.-Reptil. 98. Janzen, F.J. The Influence of Incubation Temperature and Family on Eggs, Embryos, and Hatchlings of the sleek Softshell Turtle (Apalone mutica). 133. Wu, M.; Zhao, B.; Zhang, W.; Lu, H. Effects of Incubation Temperature on Embryonic Development and Hatchling Traits in the Asian Yellow Pond Turtle, Mauremys mutica. 125. Burke, R.; Ewert, M.; McLemore, J.; Jackson, D. Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination and Hatching Success within the Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus). 135. Hou, L. Sex Determination by Temperature for Incubation in Chinemys reevesii. 136. Farrell, L. Update: Temperature Sex Determination (TSD) Project for the Yellow-Margined Box Turtle, Cuora flavomarginata. 128. Eendebak, B. Incubation Period and Sex Ratio of Hermann’s Tortoise, Testudo hermanni boettgeri. Optimal Temperatures for Egg Incubation in Two Geoemydid Turtles: Ocadia sinensis and Mauremys mutica.
Temperature Effects on Sex Determination in Yellow Pond Turtle (Mauremys mutica Cantor). 112. Carrasco, A.; Marquez, M.; Benitez, V.; Diaz, F.; Jimenez, Q. The Effect of Temperature Change on the Sex Ratio of Kemp’s Ridley Nests in the Hatchery Center at Rancho Nuevo, Tamaulipas, Mexico. 138. Pewphong, R.; Kitana, N.; Kitana, J. Effect of temperature on development: The case of the Malayan snail-consuming turtle Malayemys macrocephala. 105. Bista, B.; Wu, Z.; Literman, R.; Valenzuela, N. Thermosensitive Sex Chromosome Dosage Compensation in ZZ/ZW Softshell Turtles, Apalone spinifera. 119. Radhakrishnan, S.; Valenzuela, N. Chromosomal Context Affects the Molecular Evolution of Sex-Linked Genes and Their Autosomal Counterparts in Turtles and Other Vertebrates. Patterns of Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in Turtles. Hydric Environment and Sex Determination in the Flatback Turtle (Natator depressus Garman) (Chelonia: Cheloniidae). Nests, Eggs, and Embryonic Development of Carettochelys insculpta (Chelonia: Carettochelidae) from Northern Australia. Molecular and Morphological Differentiation of Testes and Ovaries in Relation to the Thermosensitive Period of Gonad Development in the Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina. Sex Chromosomes of the Asian Black Pond Turtle, Siebenrockiella crassicollis (Testudines: Emydidae). 146. Mazzoleni, S.; Augstenová, B.; Clemente, L.; Auer, M.; Fritz, U.; Praschag, P.; Protiva, T.; Velenský, P.; Kratochvíl, L.; Rovatsos, M. Turtles of the Genera Geoemyda and Pangshura (Testudines: Geoemydidae) Lack Differentiated Sex Chromosomes: The end of a 40-Year Error Cascade for Pangshura.
Karyotypes and Evolutionary Relationships of Trionychoid Turtles. 95. Stock, A.D. Karyological Relationships in Turtles (Reptilia: Chelonia). Turtles killed as they have been having sex and then fossilised in place have been described by scientists. Pivotal and Beach Temperatures for Hawksbill Turtles Nesting in Antigua. Anderson married Lee on a seaside in Mexico in 1995 after just 4 days of relationship. Then they get older and older and so they get a repute after which they find that they can’t get married at all,” he said. I can not find much data on their video games but lots of them look lovely and strange. A CT scan creates slicelike photographs of bone and delicate tissue using X-rays; this technique allowed researchers to construct three-dimensional reconstructions, together with a digital reconstruction that allowed researchers to look by the mummy’s inside, in a type of virtual autopsy, all the way in which down to a picket board beneath the physique.