Chromosomal Banding Patterns in the Eyelid-Less Microteiid Lizard Radiation: The X1X1X2X2: X1X2Y Sex Chromosome System in Calyptommatus and the Karyotypes of Psilophthalmus and Tretioscincus (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae). 222. Wright, J.W. Evolution of the X1X2Y Sex Chromosome Mechanism in the Scincid Lizard Scincella laterale (Say). 212. Cunningham, G.D.; While, G.M.; Wapstra, E. Climate and Sex Ratio Variation in a Viviparous Lizard. 209. Wapstra, E.; Olsson, M.; Shine, R.; Edwards, A.; Swain, R.; Joss, J.M.P. 257. Pokorná, M.; Giovannotti, M.; Kratochvíl, L.; Kasai, F.; Trifonov, V.A.; O’Brien, P.C.M.; Caputo, V.; Olmo, E.; Ferguson-Smith, M.A.; Rens, W. Strong Conservation of the Bird Z Chromosome in Reptilian Genomes Is Revealed by Comparative Painting despite 275 Million Years Divergence. 168. Wilson Sayres, M.A.; Makova, K.D. 198. Pokorná, M.; Rábová, M.; Ráb, P.; Ferguson-Smith, M.A.; Rens, W.; Kratochvíl, L. Differentiation of Sex Chromosomes and Karyotypic Evolution in the attention-Lid Geckos (Squamata: Gekkota: Eublepharidae), a gaggle with Different Modes of Sex Determination. 210. Shine, R.; Elphick, M.J.; Donnellan, S. Co-Occurrence of Multiple, Supposedly Incompatible Modes of Sex Determination in a Lizard Population. 173. Wagner, E. Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in a Gekko Lizard. A Tropical Oviparous Lizard, Calotes versicolor, Exhibiting a Potentially Novel FMFM Pattern of Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination.
261. Wilson, C.A.; Priyanka; Titus, T.; Batzel, P.; Postlethwait, J.H.; Raman, R. A Seek for Sex-Linked Loci within the Agamid Lizard, Calotes versicolor. 275. Quinn, A.E.; Georges, A.; Sarre, S.D.; Guarino, F.; Ezaz, T.; Graves, J.A.M. 270. Young, M.J.; O’Meally, D.; Sarre, S.D.; Georges, A.; Ezaz, T. Molecular Cytogenetic Map of the Central Bearded Dragon, Pogona vitticeps (Squamata: Agamidae). 271. Georges, A.; Li, Q.; Lian, J.; O’Meally, D.; Deakin, J.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, P.; Fujita, M.; Patel, H.R.; Holleley, C.E.; et al. 190. Rovatsos, M.; Farkačová, K.; Altmanová, M.; Johnson Pokorná, M.; Kratochvíl, L. The Rise and Fall of Differentiated Sex Chromosomes in Geckos. Lack of worldwide Dosage Balance in Pygopodid Geckos. 185. Keating, S.E.; Griffing, A.H.; Nielsen, S.V.; Scantlebury, D.P.; Gamble, T. Conserved ZZ/ZW Sex Chromosomes in Caribbean Croaking Geckos (Aristelliger: Sphaerodactylidae). 203. Nielsen, S.V.; Pinto, B.J.; Guzmán-Méndez, I.A.; Gamble, T. First Report of Sex Chromosomes in Night Lizards (Scincoidea: Xantusiidae). 200. Rovatsos, M.; Gamble, T.; Nielsen, S.V.; Georges, A.; Ezaz, T.; Kratochvíl, L. Do Male and Female Heterogamety Really Differ in Expression Regulation? 262. Alam, S.M.I.; Altmanová, M.; Prasongmaneerut, T.; Georges, A.; Sarre, S.D.; Nielsen, S.V.; Gamble, T.; Srikulnath, K.; Rovatsos, M.; Kratochvíl, L.; et al.
179. Pokorná, M.; Rens, W.; Rovatsos, M.; Kratochvíl, L. A ZZ/ZW Sex Chromosome System in the Thick-Tailed Gecko (Underwoodisaurus milii; Squamata: Gekkota: Carphodactylidae), a Member of the Ancient Gecko Lineage. 244. Johnson Pokorná, M.; Rovatsos, M.; Kratochvíl, L. Sex Chromosomes and Karyotype of the (Nearly) Mythical Creature, the Gila Monster, Heloderma suspectum (Squamata: Helodermatidae). 253. Rovatsos, M.; Johnson Pokorná, M.; Altmanová, M.; Kratochvíl, L. Female Heterogamety in Madagascar Chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae: Furcifer): Differentiation of Sex and Neo-Sex Chromosomes. 217. Kostmann, A.; Kratochvíl, L.; Rovatsos, M. Poorly Differentiated XX/XY Sex Chromosomes Are Widely Shared throughout Skink Radiation. 202. Kostmann, A.; Kratochvíl, L.; Rovatsos, M. First Report of Sex Chromosomes in Plated Lizards (Squamata: Gerrhosauridae). Viviparous Reptile Regarded to Have Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination Has Old XY Chromosomes. 250. Harlow, P. Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in Lizards. 242. Johnson Pokorná, M.; Altmanová, M.; Rovatsos, M.; Velenský, P.; Vodička, R.; Rehák, I.; Kratochvíl, L. First Description of the Karyotype and Sex Chromosomes within the Komodo Dragon (Varanus Komodoensis).
233. Achermann, J.C.; Ito, M.; Hindmarsh, P.C.; Jameson, J.L. 243. Iannucci, A.; Altmanová, M.; Ciofi, C.; Ferguson-Smith, M.; Milan, M.; Pereira, J.C.; Pether, J.; Rehák, I.; Rovatsos, M.; Stanyon, R.; et al. 177. Kawai, A.; Ishijima, J.; Nishida, C.; Kosaka, A.; Ota, H.; Kohno, S.; Matsuda, Y. The ZW Sex Chromosomes of Gekko hokouensis (Gekkonidae, Squamata) Represent Highly Conserved Homology with Those of Avian Species. 207. Kuroiwa, A.; Handa, S.; Nishiyama, C.; Chiba, E.; Yamada, F.; Abe, S.; Matsuda, Y. Additional Copies of CBX2 within the Genomes of Males of Mammals Lacking SRY, the Amami Spiny Rat (Tokudaia osimensis) and the Tokunoshima Spiny Rat (Tokudaia tokunoshimensis). 169. Mitchell, N.J.; Nelson, N.J.; Cree, A.; Pledger, S.; Keall, S.N.; Daugherty, C.H. Anchoring Genome Sequence to Chromosomes of the Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps) Enables Reconstruction of Ancestral Squamate Macrochromosomes and Identifies Sequence Content of the Z Chromosome. Sex-Determining Mechanisms in Squamate Reptiles.